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Plastic Recycling May 01, 2023 07:10:35 PM

Plasticpay, BSI Collaborates with Ministry to Eliminate Plastic Bottle Waste

Paul Ploumis
ScrapMonster Author
The project, initially launched in Bali, is expected to expand to Technical Acting Units (UPTs) spread across the country.
Plasticpay, BSI Collaborates with Ministry to Eliminate Plastic Bottle Waste

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): Plasticpay, in association with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and the Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) has launched a joint effort to reduce plastic bottle waste in Indonesia. The project is being implemented with the help of Denpasar Coastal and Marine Resources Management Center (BPSPL).

The project, initially launched in Bali, is expected to expand to Technical Acting Units (UPTs) spread across the country. It aims to educate people on the importance of eco-friendly management of plastic waste, mainly plastic bottles.


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According to the statement issued by Victor Gustaaf Manoppo, Marine Spatial Management Director General, it has launched a reverse vending machine (RVM), which will allow a person to insert a used or empty plastic bottle in exchange for a reward, in the form of points within the Plasticpay application, which could be redeemed by the user to obtain discounts or prizes.

The RVM unit is located in front of the main entrance of the Denpasar Shoreline and Marine Resources Management Center (BPSPL) office. The unit will play a key role in raising people’s awareness with respect to sorting and utilizing plastic waste in a wise manner. In addition, it promises to offer economic benefits to people involved in plastic waste management.

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