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Plastic Recycling November 07, 2023 04:10:12 PM

e-Stewards Warns Against Illegal Electronics Plastics Scrap Shipments

Paul Ploumis
ScrapMonster Author
The publication of the guide is considered as the first step in countering the pitfalls in legal ways of recycling e-waste plastics.
e-Stewards Warns Against Illegal Electronics Plastics Scrap Shipments

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): The e-Stewards certification program has issued warning against illegal electronics plastics scrap shipments.

The “Guide to Plastic Waste Export Compliance for US Electronics Recyclers” aims to educate the electronics waste recycling industry on legally admitted methods for managing plastic waste from electronics, in compliance with the Basel Convention regulations. It must be noted that the Basel Action Network (BAN) had recently reported that huge amounts of mixed e-waste plastics are being illegally exported from the U.S. to Malaysia.

The publication of the guide is considered as the first step in countering the pitfalls in legal ways of recycling e-waste plastics.

The global treaty that restricts the transboundary movement of hazardous and other wastes, including plastics had recently put new listings of plastic waste, which had gone into effect in 2021. But, the U.S. is a non-party to the treaty, not having ratified the Basel Convention. Consequently, the electronics recyclers in the country are left with limited number of legal options for dealing with mixed or contaminated plastic wastes.

e-Stewards, in collaboration with the Sustainable Electronics Recycling International (SERI), the Recycling Industry Operating Standard (RIOS), the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) and electronics manufacturers aims to address the shortfall in available options for recyclers.


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