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Plastic Recycling May 09, 2023 06:50:01 PM

UN Outreach Day Focuses on Solutions to Fight Plastic Pollution

Paul Ploumis
ScrapMonster Author
There are several solutions to tackle the rising plastic pollution around the world.
UN Outreach Day Focuses on Solutions to Fight Plastic Pollution

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): The World Environment Day 2023 has highlighted the environmental problems caused by plastic pollution and the various solutions to tackle the issue.

According to UN estimates, over 380 million metric tonnes of plastic are manufactured every single year. Also, five trillion plastic bags are manufactured every year. The annual plastic cup consumption across the world amounts to nearly 500 billion. Out of this only less than 10% of the used plastic are recycled responsibly. Approximately 14 million tonnes of plastic end up in oceans and waterways.

There are several solutions to tackle the rising plastic pollution around the world. The first solution is to reduce the reliance on single-use plastics by switching to other alternatives. The second solution is to promote implementation of better waste management practices. The third solution is to encourage innovation in plastic production and disposal. Last but not least, there must be increased public awareness and education on the consequences of careless disposal of plastic waste and the importance of proper disposal.

The different countries around the world have taken various initiatives to tackle plastic pollution, including ban and fees on single-use plastics, promotion of alternatives, community engagement etc.


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