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Plastic Recycling January 17, 2024 02:40:26 PM

Greenpeace UK’s Big Plastic Count Campaign to Launch in March

Paul Ploumis
ScrapMonster Author
After a week of counting, participants can submit their collected data at thebigplasticcount.com/submit by 31 March.
Greenpeace UK’s Big Plastic Count Campaign to Launch in March

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): Greenpeace UK, an independent global campaigning network, has unveiled this year’s ‘The Big Plastic Count’, a campaign aimed at quantifying household plastic waste across the UK.  

The initiative, which will run between 11 and 17 March 2024, aims to encourage schools, community groups, businesses, as well as households across the country to participate and count their plastic waste for the week. 

Participants can sign up to receive a free counting pack from Greenpeace, which includes all the necessary materials to engage in The Big Plastic Count such as a tally sheet.

After a week of counting, participants can submit their collected data at thebigplasticcount.com/submit by 31 March.  

Once these submissions are received by Greenpeace, the organisation will calculate and send each participant’s personalised plastic footprint.  

Greenpeace said that its data analysts will then compile individual participants’ data to calculate statistics on a national scale for presentation to UK ministers, supermarkets, and brands.

Courtesy: www.packaging-gateway.com

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