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Waste & Recycling January 17, 2025 11:00:40 AM

Industry-Led Mattress Recycling Program Begins in Oregon

Waste Advantage
ScrapMonster Author
Oregon is MRC’s first expansion state since the launch of its initial programs in California, Connecticut and Rhode Island, which have collectively recycled more than 15 million mattresses over the past decade.
Industry-Led Mattress Recycling Program Begins in Oregon

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): On January 1, the Mattress Recycling Council (MRC) began operating the industry-led recycling program called for in Oregon’s Mattress Stewardship Act. MRC’s Bye Bye Mattress program allows consumers to drop off any mattress or foundation, no matter its purchase date or condition, at participating locations listed on ByeByeMattress.com. The program also assists retailers and large quantity generators of old mattresses like hotels and universities with recycling these products.

Oregon is MRC’s first expansion state since the launch of its initial programs in California, Connecticut and Rhode Island, which have collectively recycled more than 15 million mattresses over the past decade. Each state program is fully funded by a point-of-sale fee (assessment) on all mattresses and foundations. In Oregon, the fee is $22.50 per unit. Retailers must disclose this fee on receipts as a stewardship assessment and inform customers about available collection opportunities for unwanted mattresses. Additionally, manufacturers, importers, distributors and renovators of mattresses and foundations sold for use in Oregon must be registered with MRC or retailers cannot sell their products.

“Our expansion into Oregon reflects the bedding industry’s commitment to recycling,” said Mike O’Donnell, MRC’s Chief Operating Officer. “We’re grateful for the support of Oregon’s solid waste community, mattress retailers and manufacturers as we embark on this exciting new chapter.”

Courtesy: www.wasteadvantagemag.com

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