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E-waste Recycling September 20, 2022 04:15:45 PM

Global E-Waste Management Market to Surpass $24 Billion

Paul Ploumis
ScrapMonster Author
On the other hand, the extremely high costs associated with e-waste management are likely to restrain the growth of the e-waste management market.

Global E-Waste Management Market to Surpass $24 Billion

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): ResearchAndMarket.com has released a new study report, which states that global e-waste management market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 19.24% during the period from 2022 to 2027. The market, which is currently valued at $9.84 billion, is expected to touch $23.72 billion by 2027. The report provides a detailed Ansoff matrix analysis for e-waste management markets across various geographies.

The report titled “Global E-waste Management Market (2022-2027) by Type, Recycler Type, Material Recovery, Source, Geography, Competitive Analysis, and the Impact of Covid-19 with Ansoff Analysis" cites decreasing life span of electronic devices, high rate of obsolescence and increased awareness on serious health hazards associated with electronic waste as the key drivers of market growth. On the other hand, the extremely high costs associated with e-waste management are likely to restrain the growth of the e-waste management market.

While stricter regulations and policies on effective e-waste management announced by various governments as well as rapid innovations in technology may present opportunities, the significant lack of infrastructure and low awareness on e-waste management in developed regions poses serious challenges.

The report classifies the market into Household Appliances, Entertainment & Consumer Electronics, and IT & Telecommunication by source.


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