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Waste & Recycling April 20, 2023 12:01:10 AM

Amerian Circular Textiles Group Calls for New Policies to Address Waste in the Fashion Industry

Waste Advantage
ScrapMonster Author
The white paper addresses ACT’s key policy priorities to support scalable change in the U.S. circular fashion economy.

Amerian Circular Textiles Group Calls for New Policies to Address Waste in the Fashion Industry

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): The American Circular Textiles (ACT) group, a coalition of leading organizations driving circularity in the U.S., has released its first white paper setting forth the gaps in circular fashion domestically and proposing policy solutions. The white paper identifies strategic bipartisan public policy objectives that support ACT’s vision for the U.S. circular fashion economy. The whitepaper is now available to view at americancirculartextiles.com.

“We are introducing policymakers to the complexity of problems in the fashion industry and show how public policy solutions align with their goals to support U.S. jobs, consumers and supply chains,” said ACT Executive Director and founder of Circular Services Group, Rachel Kibbe. “This paper is the first of its kind; right now there are no other publications that define the state of the domestic circular fashion economy in the context of public policy. We are filling that void and hoping to launch a discussion about solutions.”

The white paper addresses ACT’s key policy priorities to support scalable change in the U.S. circular fashion economy including providing green jobs, protecting domestic supply chains, offering value and sustainability to consumers and focusing on the waste hierarchy where incineration and landfill are the last resort. ACT encourages bipartisan efforts to support the development of circular fashion markets. AC T encourages consumers to call on policymakers to push forth aligned legislation, embolden brand leadership to shift from linear to circular business models, and encourage philanthropic entities and aligned stakeholders to engage with and support ACT’s mission.

ACT’S whitepaper announcement comes on the heels of welcoming three new members into the coalition including H&M, Reformation and Debrand, joining existing members: Rent The Runway, The RealReal, thredUP, Arrive, Fashionphile, Recurate, Supercircle and Thrilling. Through the publication of this paper, ACT hopes to continue to expand its membership to represent the full scope of fashion’s circular economy players. This should empower the public policy and business collaborations needed to bring urgency to the need to scale fashion’s domestic circular market.

Courtesy: www.wasteadvantagemag.com

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