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Wieder Brothers Car & Truck Removal

5165 15 Side Road, Milton, Ontario, Canada

Memberships : NA
About Yard

Opening their doors in 1985 as auto and truck recyclers, salvage, and wrecking yard, Jim and Jeff Wieder shared a common goal – “treat our customers like family”. Having retired from long-distance truck driving, the brothers were eager to begin working in an industry they loved from childhood – car and truck recycling. Their humble beginnings were spent removing abandoned and dilapidated vehicles from an underground parking garage as a favour to a family member. All they had was a mid 70’s Buick sedan, a rusty chain, relentless charisma, and a strong work ethic.

“We found that there was considerable demand for this kind of work and we were well suited for it. It didn’t take long before we had moved up to our first tow truck. A 1970 GMC behemoth painted bright yellow… but hey we were on a tight budget. We were soon busy removing scrap cars from driveways and parking lotsin Georgetown, Acton, Milton, and Burlington.” Jeff Wieder

“We strive to keep our customers satisfied today just as he did when Jim was the boss. Today we have grown to the point that we are handling about a thousand customers a year who want to sell a car.” Jeff Wieder

Today much has changed, having enjoyed growth over the years, Wieder Brothers Towing has become the leader in End of Life vehicle removal in the Western Greater Toronto Area. However, some things remain unchanged, although their Buick has been replaced with a growing fleet of modern recovery tow trucks, what makes Wieder Brothers Towing a leader is their unchanged charisma and strong work ethic meeting scrap car and truck removal needs for customers in Burlington, Milton, and Georgetown.


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Materials Accepted
Company Services
  • Car And Truck Recycling
  • Removal Of Scrap Cars
  • Towing
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Yard Locations

Milton, Ontario
ZIP: L9T 2X7

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Operating Hours

OPEN NOW (Closes at 7:00 pm)
TuesdayFrom 7:00 am To 7:00 pm
WednesdayFrom 7:00 am To 7:00 pm
ThursdayFrom 7:00 am To 7:00 pm
FridayFrom 7:00 am To 7:00 pm
SaturdayFrom 7:00 am To 7:00 pm
SundayFrom 7:00 am To 7:00 pm
From 7:30 am To 7:00 pm
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