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Scrap Yards in Barberton

5 Scrap Yards listed

One of the oldest scrap yards in Akron, Ohio with full service metal ferrous and NON-ferrous metals and…
Materials accepted :  3 items
591 South Van Buren
Ohio, United States
Chuck's Auto Wrecking and Repairs in Barberton, Ohio offers auto recycling and quality repair work. Our technicians specialize in…
Materials accepted :  3 items
338 S. Van Buren Avemue
Ohio, United States
Camp Auto Salvage is located in Barberton, Ohio. We offer all types of automobile parts and supplies, including used and…
Materials accepted :  4 items
59 Snyder Ave
Ohio, United States
At Akron Computer Recycling we offer Recycling of all electronics and electronic affiliated items, and we will pick up bulk amounts at your location…
Materials accepted :  6 items
219 2nd Street NW
Ohio, United States
Since 1999 and with over 30 years experience, we strive to bring you the highest quality aluminum, stainless steel,…
Materials accepted :  4 items
1060 Eagon street
Ohio, United States
1 - 5 of 5 yards
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