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Town of Cochrane

50 Griffin Industrial Point , Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Memberships : NA
About Yard

At their meeting May 25, 2015 Cochrane Council approved moving ahead with an organics diversion strategy, including curbside organics collection, to be implemented in April 2017. Watch for news and updates.

Pay-As-You-Throw Waste Disposal
Dispose of extra bagged household waste and miscellaneous small waste items (broken lawn chairs, old garden hoses etc.) for a small fee: $2 per bag or $20 per level truck load. This program lasts all year.

Food Waste Composting
Bring food waste to the Cochrane Eco Centre where it will be turned into high-quality garden and landscape compost! Acceptable items:
Fruit and vegetable peelings and waste
Egg shells
Tea bags, coffee filters and coffee grounds
Pasta, rice, bread
Meat bits and bones
Please bring your food waste in a sealed bucket or 100% compostable bag and empty into the designated bin. This program lasts all year.

For additional information see our Food Waste Acceptable Items poster.

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Materials Accepted
NoMaterial Name
Organic Waste
1Food Scraps
2 News Paper
Company Services
  • Paper Recycling
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Yard Locations

50 Griffin Industrial Point
Cochrane, Alberta
ZIP: T4C 2K8

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