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Scrap Yards accepting Solvents

6 Scrap Yards listed

EnviroSORT Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Clean Harbors Canada, Inc., provides specialized container management, vacuum services, waste management and…
Materials accepted :  3 items
Hwy 2A
Red Deer
Alberta, Canada
At the heart of CBI's waste management system is its state-of-the-art Miami Plant which enjoys a reputation for excellence among…
Materials accepted :  2 items
851 Eller Drive
Florida, United States
Green America Recycling operates a Part B permitted RCRA Treatment, Storage and Disposal (TSD) facility adjacent to the…
Materials accepted :  2 items
10107 Highway 79
Missouri, United States
We have reliable, permitted, facilities looking for good waste streams to recycle. Reduce your cost for waste disposal.We…
Materials accepted :  4 items
206 Sentry Dr.
Texas, United States
Built in 1975, the facility consists of 35 acres and is a 28E Governmental…
Materials accepted :  10 items
2032 N Ave.
Iowa, United States
1 - 5 of 6 yards
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