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Iron Scrap Prices in the U.S.A. and Canada

United States Iron Scrap Buy Price Index

Iron Scrap Prices. The prices listed below are national average prices paid by scrap yards in the U.S.A. Prices are collected from scrap yards directly and updated bi-weekly.
  • "Average Price" indicates the average iron scrap price paid by all scrap yards in U.S. cities listed.
  • "High Price" indicates the average for the highest iron scrap price paid by all scrap yards in U.S. cities listed.
  • "Low Price" indicates the average for the lowest iron scrap price paid by all scrap yards in U.S. cities listed.
MaterialAverage PriceHigh PriceLow PricePrice UnitPrice Date
Long Iron Scrap717171USD/NT28-Nov-2024
Short Iron Scrap93.393.393.3USD/NT28-Nov-2024
Mixed Cast Iron Scrap115115115USD/GT22-Nov-2024
Cast Iron66.5766.7966.34USD/LB21-Nov-2024
Mixed Iron Scrap56.0356.0356.03USD/NT21-Nov-2024
Unsorted Iron Scrap909090USD/NT24-Oct-2024
Torch Iron60.0160.0160.01USD/Ton03-Oct-2024
Light Iron Scrap39.8540.3339.36USD/GT16-Aug-2024
#1 HMS Prepared Iron Scrap135135135USD/Ton05-Jun-2023
#2 HMS UnPrepared Iron Scrap707070USD/Ton05-Jun-2023
Black Cast Iron165165165USD/LB17-Oct-2022
Cast Iron Scrap121.59121.59121.59USD/GT05-Sep-2022
Cast Iron Scrap11.2511.2511.25USD/CWT05-Sep-2022
Cast Iron Scrap11.0111.0111.01USD/LB05-Sep-2022
Light Iron Scrap0.060.060.06USD/LB05-Sep-2022
Sheet Iron Scrap0.060.060.06USD/LB05-Sep-2022
Light Iron Scrap5.925.925.92USD/CWT05-Aug-2022
Sheet Iron Scrap228.23228.23228.23USD/NT05-Aug-2021
Stove Cast/Sewer Cast120120120USD/PT03-Aug-2021
Torching Iron126.67126.67126.67USD/PT03-Aug-2021
Sheet Iron115.86115.86115.86USD//CWT15-Feb-2021
#1 Prepared Iron105.16105.16105.16USD/CWT10-Apr-2018
#1 Unprepared Iron83.2683.2683.26USD/CWT10-Apr-2018
Cast Iron Scrap0.160.160.16USD/MT10-Apr-2018

Canada Iron Scrap Buy Price Index

Iron Scrap Prices. The prices listed below are national average prices paid by scrap yards in the Canada. Prices are collected from scrap yards directly and updated bi-weekly.
  • "Average Price" indicates the average iron scrap price paid by all scrap yards in Canadian cities listed.
  • "High Price" indicates the average for the highest iron scrap price paid by all scrap yards in Canadian cities listed.
  • "Low Price" indicates the average for the lowest iron scrap price paid by all scrap yards in Canadian cities listed.
MaterialAverage PriceHigh PriceLow PricePrice UnitPrice Date
Cast Iron230230230USD/NT29-Nov-2024
Black Cast Iron160160160USD/MT04-Nov-2024
Cast Iron Scrap215215215USD/NT26-Oct-2022
White Cast Iron118118118USD/MT26-Oct-2022
Cast Iron Scrap0.120.120.12USD/LB09-Dec-2021
Cast Iron Scrap322.38322.38322.38USD/MT26-May-2018
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