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Scrap Yards in Mission City

4 Scrap Yards listed

Our recycling & auto wreck yard may have the used vehicle part you are looking for. Use the…
Materials accepted :  7 items
1-32809 Lougheed Hwy.
Mission City
British Columbia, Canada
Return all your empty drink containers and used electronics to Mission Return-It Depot and ensure they are recycled…
Materials accepted :  2 items
7233 Park Street
Mission City
British Columbia, Canada
100 % Canadian Owned Everclear Metal Recycling is a Full Service Scrap Yard.  Keeping scrap metal out of…
Materials accepted :  2 items
7136 Durieu St
Mission City
British Columbia, Canada
Whitecap Environmental Service is the foremost leader in secure destruction and reverse supply chain services in Western Canada. Whitecap specializes…
Materials accepted :  3 items
Gill Ave 31510 V4S Chilliwack
Mission City
British Columbia, Canada
1 - 4 of 4 yards
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