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Scrap Yards in Vaud - Switzerland
4 Scrap Yards listed

Dear customers, dear visitors, over the years, Metabader has acquired extensive experience in recycling all types of waste…
Materials accepted :  3 items
Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
En Budron G1
Vaud, Switzerland
We are a company active in the recycling and recovery of various materials for businesses and municipalities . Industries are as numerous as the materials they use for production…
Materials accepted :  9 items
En Bellevue 2B
Vaud, Switzerland
Our company specializes in the recovery of iron and metals and waste management. We are located at the…
Materials accepted :  2 items
Route d Yverdon 3
Vaud, Switzerland
Since around 1850, from generation to generation and throughout French-speaking Switzerland, the Bader family has been…
Materials accepted :  1 items
ZI des Treizes-Cantons 20A
Vaud, Switzerland
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