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Scrap Yards in Greece
36 Scrap Yards listed

The company T METAL was founded and operates since 1992, is active in the field of recycling scrap…
Materials accepted :  2 items
Corinth, Hellas
place Loutsa Pappas lady fountain
Athens, Greece
GS Recycling is a recycling company located in Greece. The company was founded in 1990. The company started…
Materials accepted :  4 items
Thesi Koutala
Athens, Greece
In the 1980s, when recycling and its benefits were an unknown…
Materials accepted :  6 items
Spithari Place
Athens, Greece
Recycling ARGI SCRAP Excellent prices on Recyclable Metals: Copper, Brass-Bronze, Cables, Irons, Aluminum, Lead, Stainless-Stainless Steel, etc.
Materials accepted :  7 items
Macedonia, Greece
GEOMETAL  SCRAP is active in the field of recycling and trade of scrap metals and irons in the area of…
Materials accepted :  9 items
2nd km XANTHIS
Macedonia, Greece
EastWest GREECE has been operating since 2015 in the prefecture of Thessaloniki in the field of clothing and…
Materials accepted :  7 items
Nea Redestos
EO Thessaloniki Polygyrou 18th km
Thessaloniki, Greece
With a long-term presence in the field of recycling of plastic, paper and textiles, our company, KARATSIALI BROS…
Materials accepted :  5 items
Efkarpia, TITAN area, Thessaloniki
7th km. Thessaloniki - Lagada
Macedonia, Greece
The company is active in the recycling of metals and electronic devices. Our facilities include a warehouse for sorting…
Materials accepted :  6 items
222 Athinon Ave. & 16-18 Kifissou Ave.
Athens, Greece
BAKALIOS MON / PI LTD. is an approved vehicle recycling unit in the prefecture of Imathia and is…
Materials accepted :  2 items
1st km of NAOUSA - VERIA, ROAD, A2
Macedonia, Greece
The company Float Metal Recycling, is active in the field of collection,…
Materials accepted :  3 items
31 km E.O. Patras-Pyrgos
Achaea, Greece
OIKO-KYKLIOS SA is the only lamp recycling factory in Greece. The company cooperates, regarding the UNE, with the collective alternative…
Materials accepted :  2 items
Thesi Variko
Athens, Greece
ECORESET SA was founded in 2010. The company develops techniques for the industrial separation of composite streams of…
Materials accepted :  4 items
Position Prari Mustache
Athens, Greece
VMRCYCLING COMPANY BASILIOS MAVROMATIS ONLY/IKE has been active in the area of ​​recycling since 1996 with all the…
Materials accepted :  3 items
Thesi Sguromandria
Athens, Greece
Our company HELLENIC WASTE RECYCLING S.A. , has offices and facilities in Athens, as well as projects in…
Materials accepted :  4 items
Tzaverdella Place
100 Refinery Ave.
Athens, Greece
SUNLIGHT Recycling is the Lead Battery Recycling arm of SUNLIGHT SYSTEMS SA and expands the business ecosystem developed…
Materials accepted :  4 items
22 Thivaidos
Athens, Greece
The company RECYCLING APPLIANCES SA is an approved body by EOAN , for the organization, operation and control…
Materials accepted :  1 items
Athens, Greece
The headquarters of the company is located in the area of ​​Ampelotopi, Omorfochori, Larissa, in privately owned facilities. The…
Materials accepted :  3 items
Larissa, Greece
Our company HELLENIC WASTE RECYCLING S.A. , has offices and facilities in Athens, as well as projects in…
Materials accepted :  3 items
Tzaverdella Place, Ano Liosia Fili
100 Refinery Ave.
Athens, Greece
At ATHENS SCRAPMETAL our many years of experience allows us to have real knowledge of the prices that…
Materials accepted :  4 items
Lagada 52
Athens, Greece
Waste and their management problems are reduced Energy and natural resources are saved, which are constantly received from nature.…
Materials accepted :  9 items
Vathi Avlida
Euboea, Greece
The company VALMETAL MON. I.K.E. Although it was founded relatively recently in 2014, it consists of 3rd generation executives with…
Materials accepted :  4 items
8th km PEO Thessaloniki
Kilkis, Greece
Our company provides a complete set of recycling services, seeking to meet the needs of our customers.…
Materials accepted :  5 items
3rd km of Chania
Crete, Greece
Our company is active in the field of recycling, marketing and service provider covering the entire chain of…
Materials accepted :  3 items
EO Athinon Thivon 27
West Attica, Greece
With our own vehicles and our specialized workshops, we provide our services throughout Greece. Old-fashioned car spare parts Metal…
Materials accepted :  3 items
1 ° km P.E.O. Alexandria-Veria
Macedonia, Greece
Eco Machine Recycling is a company that is active in the field of industrial recycling with its main…
Materials accepted :  1 items
Athens, Greece
1 - 25 of 36 yards

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