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Metal Recycling Centers in San Diego
5 Scrap Yards listed

Cali Resources providing full service recycling and asset recovery for electronics, electrical equipment, computers, and peripherals. At Cali Resources, we…
Materials accepted :  20 items
2310 Michael Faraday Dr.
San Diego
California, United States
For nearly five years, GHE has helped Southern California with an avenue for responsible electronics recycling and secure…
Materials accepted :  13 items
9373 Activity Rd., Ste. C
San Diego
California, United States
Cactus Recycling, Inc. is a full scale industrial recycling company servicing Southern California and Northern Baja California Mexico. By working…
Materials accepted :  13 items
8710 Avenida de la fuente
San Diego
California, United States
IMS Recycling is a family owned company that has been serving San Diego and Mexico customers since 1954. IMS offers…
Materials accepted :  5 items
2740 Boston Avenue
San Diego
California, United States
Since our beginnings in 1978 we have focused on Our Culture to continually improve our customer satisfaction and trace-ability in all aspects…
Materials accepted :  4 items
3330 Beyer Bl. # F
San Diego
California, United States
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