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Metal Recycling Centers in Porterville

6 Scrap Yards listed

We pay you to Recycle your scrap metals such as Iron, Tin, Copper, Brass, Aluminum, Batteries, Cars, Trucks & Equipment!…
Materials accepted : Not Specified
22045 Ave 152
California, United States
"At United Metals Recycling we buy iron, copper, brass, aluminum, stainless, cars & more!"  Trucks being loaded with scrap metal.…
Materials accepted :  6 items
22045 Ave 152
California, United States
MAS specializes in machines and equipment for plastics recycling and processing and has a reputation for innovative solutions and best-of-class process 
Materials accepted :  1 items
774 W Olive Ave
California, United States
Boomerang Recycling Centers located in Porterville Ca, offering full service recycling for all of your CRV recyclables and…
Materials accepted :  2 items
187 W Olive Ave
California, United States
We Recycle all Metals such as Iron, Tin, Aluminum, Copper, Brass & Stainless Steel. We also buy Vehicles…
Materials accepted :  8 items
81 E Gibbons Ave
California, United States
Boomerang Recycling Centers located in Porterville Ca, offering full service recycling for all of your CRV recyclables and…
Materials accepted :  9 items
187 W Olive Ave
California, United States
1 - 6 of 6 yards
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