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Our Y83Q-6300C scrap metal shear baler is designed for cold compaction of various thin metal materials with less than 4mm in thickness into rectangular bales at normal state, such as scrap steel, scrap iron, iron and steel scrap, and wire rod, etc. Furthermore, this metal scrap baling machine is capable…
Strips all wire sizes from #18 wire to 250 MCM, diameters from 0.08" (2mm) up to 0.79" (20.1mm) including ROMEX and braided (stranded) wire.
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Since Feb, 2013
The Orca Car & Multi-Purpose Baler built with 12mm Hardox ware plates giving the bale box extra support and length of life.Bale up to 30 cars per hour and even bale small trucks! The Orca crushes the competition, is incredibly easy to operate and user friendly. Custom built machines to suit your…
1 - 2 of 2 equipment