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ASTM A588 is a high strength, low-alloy (HSLA) steel containing small additions of copper, chromium and nickel. It is a Copper bearing steel that offers a minimum yield of 50 KSI ,70ksi minimum tensile strength and has approximately two to four times the corrosion resistance of carbon steel without copper. It is often used in an unpainted condition and develops a weathered orange-brown surface that is resistant to atmospheric corrosion, leading to longer life for applications that are exposed to weather. Its strength and strength-to-weight properties are similar to A572 steel. It is used in general structural applications when the structural will be riveted, bolted, or welded. ASTM A588 structurals are used whenever a cost savings from a weight reduction can be gained or when there are concerns about atmospheric corrosion. The atmospheric corrosion resistance of this steel in most environments is substantially better than that of carbon steels with or without copper addition.


ASTM A588 is used  in bridges, buildings, freight cars, construction equipment, smoke-stack liners, precipitators, transmission towers, and light poles where savings in weight and/or added durability due to atmospheric corrosion-resistance are important.

ASTM A588 Angle Pictures


Metal Test Magnet With Handle 18 lb N52 Grade Neodymium Rare Earth

Metal Test Magnet With Handle 18 lb N52 Grade Neodymium Rare Earth

Industrial Test Magnet 30 lb N52 Grade Neodymium Rare Earth With Handle

Industrial Test Magnet 30 lb N52 Grade Neodymium Rare Earth With Handle

Metal Test Magnet

Metal Test Magnet

Metal Test Magnet

Metal Test Magnet

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