World Steel Association Announced Scrap Trade Summary for 2020

The Asia and Other Europe regions had imported 35.6 Mt and 19.8 Mt of ferrous scrap respectively in 2019.

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): The 2021 World Steel in Figures published by the World Steel Association (worldsteel) provides summary of world trade in ferrous scrap during the previous year. The trade body reiterated its focus on climate change by maximising the use of scrap.

The ferrous scrap exports totalled 98.9 million tonnes (Mt) in 2020, slightly lower when compared with exports of 101.2 Mt in 2019. The largest exporter was the EU-28 region, whose export totalled 48.9 Mt. Out of this, 26.4 Mt was exported to EU-28 countries. In second place was the US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) region with exports of 22.1 Mt, followed by Asia with 12.1 Mt.


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The worldsteel report states that ferrous scrap imports totalled 96.9 Mt during the previous year, compared with 103.5 Mt in 2019. The EU-28 region emerged as the largest importer, with imports of 31.5 Mt. In second and third place were Asia and Other Europe regions, with imports of 27.2 Mt and 23.5 Mt respectively. The Asia and Other Europe regions had imported 35.6 Mt and 19.8 Mt of ferrous scrap respectively in 2019.

The largest net exporter of ferrous scrap in 2020 was the EU-28 countries, followed by USMCA. The biggest ferrous scrap net importer was Other Asia region, said worldsteel report.