Several Scrap Metal Yards Broken Into, Around $30,000 in Cash Stolen

Northern York County Regional Police say the burglary happened at 12:15 Wednesday morning.

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster):  Several scrap metal recycling yards are trying to piece together who stole a combined amount of over $20,000 from their businesses.

Suspects were caught on camera at Eastco Enterprise in York County.

“They knew what they were coming for. they were coming for cash,” said employee Wendy Moser.

Pricy material like copper, and aluminum left untouched. Northern York County Regional Police say the burglary happened at 12:15 Wednesday morning. It was all caught on camera, but workers say they have no idea who’s behind the break ins.

Suspects were caught on camera again around around 24 hours later at SOS Metals Inc. another recycling center. This one in Mount Carmel PA. Suspects were seen on video knocking down a cash drawer mounted to the counter and walking off.

 Moser took to social media to spread the word. then started hearing from more yards.

“I had the two approach me same (situation). They just take cash and nothing else,' explained Moser.

Moser said the total amount taken from all 3 businesses total to around $30,000.

 “We’re out the money. It’s just the matter of trying to figure out who did this so it doesn’t happen to the next person,” said Moser.
