Marshall County, IN Commissioners Repeal 1998 Waste Reduction and Recycling Ordinance

It was estimated that there are four companies throughout Marshall County picking up trash and recycling but several other companies are working in the county that don’t offer to recycle.

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage):  An ordinance passed in 1998 by the Marshall County Commissioners for waste reduction and recycling was repealed by the commissioners. Marianne Peters, Director of Marshall County Solid Waste said her Board of Directors has discussed the issue for several months, the biggest one being that there are curbside haulers who are serving citizens in Marshall County but not offering recycling, which the ordinance requires.

Commissioner Mike Burroughs wanted to make sure the public is aware that when the ordinance was passed when the county didn’t have curbside recycling services.  The ordinance mandated that companies collecting trash must also offer recycling services. He said, “Since this was proposed, a lot of changes have taken place as the public is already aware.  We have companies out there offering services without recycling and those that offer recycling, there are some questions if they are actually recycling or not.” Burroughs clarified that the commissioners and the county are not against recycling, but it’s not enforceable.  He said, “We don’t have recycling police there slapping a wrist or else.”

It was estimated that there are four companies throughout Marshall County picking up trash and recycling but several other companies are working in the county that don’t offer to recycle. Peters said in the last 6-months she has seen people pay a higher price for waste hauling and recycling and at the same not being sure the services are being provided.  She said, “People are paying high prices for a service that may or may not be happening.  She told the commissioners, “There is no question that people want to recycle, and recycling is the future but at the same time, I don’t think people should have to pay for ineffective services either.”
