Greenwich, CT Launches Townside Textile Recycling Program

GRAB is partnering with Fairco-Greentree Recycling, a Fairfield-based, for-profit enterprise that provides no-cost, environmentally friendly textile collection services to reallocate unwanted textiles to those in need.

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board (GRAB), in partnership with The Town of Greenwich, announces a new textile recycling program in Greenwich. The initiative is part of a broader commitment by the Town of Greenwich to sustainability and waste reduction. “The Town of Greenwich is excited by the new partnership with Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board (GRAB) that will add the recycling of textiles to our ever-expanding list of materials that avoid the solid waste heap,” said First Selectman Fred Camillo in a release. “In doing so, GRAB is collaborating with Fairco-Greentree in a joint effort that will reduce waste in Town, increase recycling and even add revenue to be used to promote the greening of Greenwich. Our goal is to be the environmental gold standard of Connecticut, and this is another positive step in that direction.”

GRAB is partnering with Fairco-Greentree Recycling, a Fairfield-based, for-profit enterprise that provides no-cost, environmentally friendly textile collection services to reallocate unwanted textiles to those in need. Over the past few years, Fairco-Greentree has partnered with Greenwich High School clubs and the Greenwich Rotary Club in their fundraising efforts. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to GRAB towards education and community outreach about recycling and other waste diversion strategies. “We are excited to work with GRAB and the Town of Greenwich. We are part of a new trend in the salvage business which aims to support the employment of more workers to keep textiles out of the landfill and provide shoes and clothes to people in need via the secondary marketplace,” said James Clemente of Fairco-Greentree.
