Global Lead Supply to Exceed Demand by 71k Tonnes

The world lead mine production is expected to total 4.75 million tonnes in 2019.

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): The International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG) published forecasts for lead metal in its recently released report. The report was prepared after review of trends of world supply and demand for lead metal held during the Spring meetings in Lisbon on 8th May, 2019.

According to ILZSG, the global demand for refined lead metal is forecast to rise marginally by 1.2% in 2019 to total 11.87 million tonnes. The increased usage of the metal in India, Japan and Korea is likely to offset reduction in usage by China. The U.S. lead metal usage is expected to grow by 1.1%, whereas the European region is expected to report 1.8% growth in usage. It must be noted that the global refined lead demand had registered 0.2% decline during the previous year.

The world lead mine production is expected to total 4.75 million tonnes in 2019, slightly higher by 1.8% from the previous year. ILZSG foresees increased mine output from China, India, Canada, Europe and South Africa. On the other hand, the concentrate supply from Mexico, Peru and the U.S. is likely to decline from 2018 levels.

The anticipated rise in China and India is likely to lift world refined lead metal output by 2.5% to 11.94 million tonnes. Australia is likely to witness over 14% expansion in production. The European production is forecast to rise by 2.9%, whereas Korea is likely to report 3.6% jump in yearly output.

In summary, the global supply for refined lead metal is likely to exceed demand by 71,000 tonnnes during the current year.