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E-waste Recycling March 21, 2024 09:30:54 PM

UNITAR: Only Less Than One-Fourth of Global E-Waste is Recycled

Paul Ploumis
ScrapMonster Author
The dangerously low recycling rate makes e-waste a huge global crisis, noted Nikhil Seth, executive director, UNITAR.
UNITAR: Only Less Than One-Fourth of Global E-Waste is Recycled

SEATTLE (Scrap Monster): The new analysis report, Global E-Waste Monitor, released by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) indicates highly deficient recycling rate for world’s electronic waste. Europe, which recorded the highest recycling rate, witnessed a dangerously low recycling rate of 42.8%.

According to the UN Report, only less than one-fourth of the total electronic waste generated across the world was recycled in 2022. The world generated record 62 billion kilograms of electronic waste during the year. This is equivalent to 7.8 kilograms per capita per year and significantly higher by 82% when compared with the 2010 levels.


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Electronic Waste: A Global Crisis in Need of Sustainable Solutions

The massive digitalisation process in recent decades has resulted in unprecedented demand for electronic devices. Only 22.3% of the total electronic waste generated was documented and collected for recycling in an environmentally sustainable manner in 2022. The dangerously low recycling rate makes e-waste a huge global crisis, noted Nikhil Seth, executive director, UNITAR.

The estimates provided by UNITAR suggests that e-waste mismanagement leads to release of approximately 58,000 kilograms of mercury and 45 million kilograms of plastics into the environment every year.

The report calls for 60% global electronic waste recycling rate by the end of the current decade.

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