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Waste & Recycling March 22, 2024 12:01:16 AM

Tulsa, OK Recycled 354k Pounds of Waste in 2023

Waste Advantage
ScrapMonster Author
The Sustainability Alliance developed an app to help people keep a “TerraScore” of their actions.
Tulsa, OK Recycled 354k Pounds of Waste in 2023

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): While cities across the United States have halted recycling programs, the city of Tulsa is ramping up its program. The city touted efforts and numbers on Global Recycling Day. “I think it’s really easy to think, we’re here sitting in this giant bubble, and what I do doesn’t necessarily affect anybody else and what they do,” Morgan Fehrle with the Sustainability Alliance said.

Something as simple as throwing away a bottle of water can have implications. It may be just one, but it adds to mountainous landfills. According to the City of Tulsa, those landfills could shrink, as 80% of household waste is recyclable. “Sustainability is all about being intentional. It’s not about being perfect,” Fehrle said, “So you don’t have to do everything right all the time, but you’re gonna get better at it the more you’re thinking through your process.”

The Sustainability Alliance developed an app to help people keep a “TerraScore” of their actions. More than 400,000 people call Tulsa home, and between them, a lot of stuff gets thrown away. As for where it goes, Mayor GT Bynum offered some surprising numbers.

Courtesy: www.wasteadvantage.com

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