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Waste & Recycling April 01, 2024 12:01:04 AM

Sterling Heights, MI Ready to Roll Out New Residential Waste, Recycling Carts

Waste Advantage
ScrapMonster Author
Beginning in April, Priority Waste will deliver one 95-gallon dark green refuse cart and one 65-gallon blue curbside recycling cart to residents.
Sterling Heights, MI Ready to Roll Out New Residential Waste, Recycling Carts

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): Sterling Heights city officials are gearing up for a change in their residential refuse cart and curbside recycling program that is scheduled to begin in April. The city is transitioning to a unified cart system and universal curbside recycling after the City Council approved switching waste haulers from GFL Environmental to Clinton Township-based Priority Waste.

Beginning in April, Priority Waste will deliver one 95-gallon dark green refuse cart and one 65-gallon blue curbside recycling cart to residents. Residents will begin using the new containers on their first regularly scheduled collection day, on or after May 1

Mayor Michael Taylor said Priority Waste’s “reputation for excellence and their commitment to eco-friendly waste management” coincide with the city’s “Think Sterling Green” clearinghouse of sustainability initiatives “A uniform cart system is certainly more pleasing to the eye, but it also prevents open bags attracting rodents, cans and lids from blowing around the streets on windy days and heavy lifting of bags and cans that aren’t on wheels,” he said. “It’s best practice among communities nationwide, and it’s simply a better system altogether.”

Courtesy: www.wasteadvantage.com

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