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Waste & Recycling July 31, 2023 12:45:12 PM

Renton, WA to Implement Household Hazardous Waste Programs

Waste Advantage
ScrapMonster Author
Grant funds will be used for costs associated with collection, recycling and proper disposal of batteries typically used in the workplace and by the public, as well as for administration and promotion of the program.
Renton, WA to Implement Household Hazardous Waste Programs

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): The City of Renton will accept $70,822.08 in grant funding from King County’s Hazardous Waste Management Program to implement hazardous waste collection, reduction and education projects. Of that funding, $8,000 is slated to go to a program with the goal of preventing environmental contamination caused by improper disposal of household batteries. Grant funding will go toward continuing to implement a battery recycling collection program developed in 2012 that is accessible to city employees and the public. Public access will be reportedly expanded to additional locations where feasible. Grant funds will be used for costs associated with collection, recycling and proper disposal of batteries typically used in the workplace and by the public, as well as for administration and promotion of the program.

Evaluation of the success of the battery collection program will measure the availability of local battery collection sites for the target audience, and the volume of batteries collected, recycled, or properly disposed. Additionally, $42,822.08 will go to a program with the goal of helping residents and employees of auto supply and repair businesses reduce the risk of chemical exposure to people and the environment by promoting safe handling of used motor oil and oil filters both in the home and in businesses, providing collection and recycling services.

While the city has provided used motor oil and oil filter collection for recycling to residents through its regular Special Recycling Events for the past 30 years, city staff reportedly recognize that this practice is not sustainable and limits access to many residents who handle used motor oil.

Courtesy: www.wasteadvantagemag.com

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