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Waste & Recycling January 21, 2025 12:01:46 AM

Vermont’s New State Solid Waste Plan Goes Beyond Recycling and Composting

Waste Advantage
ScrapMonster Author
The 2024 Vermont Materials Management Plan will serve as a guide for the Agency’s and municipalities’ waste management-related actions from 2025 through 2029.
Vermont’s New State Solid Waste Plan Goes Beyond Recycling and Composting

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): Vermont has a new solid waste plan that is more proactive and thorough than previous plans. Every five years, Vermont law requires the Agency of Natural Resources to update this plan. The 2024 Vermont Materials Management Plan will serve as a guide for the Agency’s and municipalities’ waste management-related actions from 2025 through 2029.

“We appreciate the efforts Vermonters are making in reducing waste and diverting materials from the landfill,” said Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Jason Batchelder. “Together, with continued collaboration and this plan, we can achieve even greater success.”

The DEC Solid Waste Management Program, through the Plan, outlines annual requirements for both the State and Vermont’s municipal Solid Waste Districts, alliances, and independent towns that take responsibility for local or regional waste management.

The plan goals are to:

  •          maximize overall waste reduction and minimize disposal;
  •          promote sustainable materials management;
  •          reduce toxicity of waste and the quantity of toxic products used;
  •          reduce greenhouse gas emissions through better materials management and promote climate change resilience; and
  •          promote equity, accessibility, and environmental justice.

“In light of the flooding in 2023 and 2024, there are new priorities related to disaster planning and response to better prepare for future natural disasters,” said Josh Kelly, DEC Solid Waste Program Manager. “There are also sections connecting climate change and equity to waste management.”

Under the new Plan, outreach is a priority. Web based resources will be proactively available to the public and connections will be made with libraries, schools, municipal offices, businesses, and transfer stations to build better community awareness around waste reduction, recycling, and waste management.

Courtesy: www.wasteadvantagemag.com

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