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Waste & Recycling March 27, 2024 03:07:39 AM

MassDEP Opens First Round of Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grants April 1

Waste Advantage
ScrapMonster Author
Preference will be given to projects that provide direct benefit to environmental justice populations.
MassDEP Opens First Round of Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grants April 1

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): On April 1, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) will open its first round of 2024 Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grants. The deadline for submissions is: May 15 at 5 p.m. ET.

Micro-Grant Details 

Micro-Grants are up to $10,000 and will be provided as a reimbursement for costs associated with developing and implementing proposed projects. To qualify, projects must focus on reducing waste generation and extending the life of products through donation, rescue, reuse, and/or repair. Projects must be based in Massachusetts and take a year or less to complete. Both private and public sector entities operating in Massachusetts are eligible to apply, including businesses, non-profit organizations, regional authorities, municipalities, and schools (Pre-K-12, as well as colleges and universities). 

Preference will be given to projects that provide direct benefit to environmental justice populations. Information on which communities are classified as environmental justice populations can be found at on MassDEP’s website. 

Eligible Project Examples: 

  •          Switch from single-use to reusable food service ware at schools, restaurants, or institutional cafeterias (e.g., dishwashers, reusable dishware). 
  •          Develop textile, clothing, or shoe repair programs or apprenticeship, at or in conjunction with a second-hand goods retailer. 
  •          Promote recovery and resale of used building materials in remodel, renovation, and new construction projects. 
  •          Develop and host training on deconstruction techniques, targeting the construction industry, tech/carpentry schools, or individuals engaged in building and renovation work. 
  •          Develop reusable transport packaging systems (e.g., reusable pallet wraps) that replace limited-life packaging used in manufacturing, transportation, and/or distribution. 

Projects Not Eligible: 

  •          Composting projects 
  •          Recycling projects 

Courtesy: www.wasteadvantage.com

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