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Waste & Recycling January 29, 2024 12:01:02 AM

Integrated Waste Solutions Group Announces Divestiture to Republic Services

Waste Advantage
ScrapMonster Author
IWSG develops and operates integrated solid waste operations in selected geographic regions throughout the United States.
Integrated Waste Solutions Group Announces Divestiture to Republic Services

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): Integrated Waste Solutions Group, a portfolio company of NOVA Infrastructure, announce its divestiture of Central Texas Refuse, LLC and the state-of-the-art 130 Environmental Park Landfill, LLC to Republic Services.

IWSG develops and operates integrated solid waste operations in selected geographic regions throughout the United States.

Founded in 2018, NOVA Infrastructure is a value-added, middle market infrastructure investment firm focused on North America. NOVA seeks to make investments which pair the downside protection features of the infrastructure asset class with operationally focused, value-added upside strategies. NOVA targets investments in environmental services, transportation, energy/ energy transition, and communication sectors.

Republic Services, a leader in the environmental services industry, looks forward to continuing to provide industry-leading service to customers throughout Austin and Central Texas.

Courtesy: www.wasteadvantage.com


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