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Waste & Recycling February 16, 2024 02:03:50 AM

Assemblymember Steve Bennett Introduces Bill Targeting State’s Single-Use Plastic Consumption

Waste Advantage
ScrapMonster Author
Less than 30% of plastic bottles have been recycled, with most becoming plastic waste in our landfills and the environment.
Assemblymember Steve Bennett Introduces Bill Targeting State’s Single-Use Plastic Consumption

SEATTLE (Waste Advantage): Assemblymember Steve Bennett introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 2648, which tackles California’s ambitious goals to reduce consumption of single-use plastics. Specifically, AB 2648 will phase out the purchase and sale of single-use plastic bottles by state agencies. AB 2648 does not apply to the average consumer. “It is time that state government models the change we ask of everyone else,” said Assemblymember Bennett. “The impact of plastics is pervasive and well-documented, and makes this transition necessary. The State of California has massive purchasing power and resources to show that this change is feasible in all but the most unique situations, for California’s residents and visitors alike.”

“Creating an equitable, circular economy starts with designing out waste and pollution, and the State should always lead by example. We’re grateful for Assemblymember Bennett’s leadership in reducing single-use plastic consumption by our agencies and encouraging the expansion of our refill infrastructure,” said Jordan Wells, Director of Advocacy and Communications for the National Stewardship Action Council.

“We commend Assemblymember Bennett for introducing legislation that will make the state government lead by example when it comes to reducing plastic waste, shifting our focus from recycling to reduction. Less than 30% of plastic bottles have been recycled, with most becoming plastic waste in our landfills and the environment. Plastic breaks into small pieces that can end up in our food, drinking water and even human bodies. Clearly, we can’t recycle our way out of this mess, and need to focus on using less plastic in the first place,” said Jenn Engstrom, State Director of CALPIRG.

“Single-use plastic bottles are among the top items found polluting California’s beaches, national parks, and neighborhoods. Once in the environment, they continue to break up into micro- and nanoplastics that are found in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and our own bodies. As a state and as a society, we must do everything in our power to turn off the tap on plastic pollution and implement policies that promote reuse, refill, and source reduction,” said Alison Waliszewski, Director of Policy & Programs at The 5 Gyres Institute.

 Courtesy: www.wasteadvantage.com

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